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This page is designated to my degree and shows evidence of my academic progress since being at Solent through some of my favourite assignments.


Please have a quick look at some work I have produced below, all listed in order of production. There are some primarily creative pieces, and some with a more academic focus to showcase my abilities in both instances.


I have enjoyed producing this portfolio and I hope you enjoy previewing it too!


Please note a full, hard copy of my full portfolio is available to be showcased on request.



Creative Digital Technology


(50% Individual)


Overall Grade A4


This is the creative portfolio I produced for A2 Milk in order to raise awareness of the brand and products. This portfolio consists of my creative brief, ideation, idea development, my final executions (including screenshots of the video advert produced) and a reflective narrative.


I was able to learn the importance of time management when completing an assignment early on in my degree, as this was a very heavy unit and I tried to produce as much creative content as I could. 


This unit also introduced me to Adobe Illustrator and Premier Pro. I had already worked with Photoshop, which I primarily used on this assignment, but it was good to experiment with some other software along the way.


This was a highly creative unit, which came with many challenges, but I did ultimately really enjoy developing my own ideas to create a strong campaign. 



This work was completed in the first semester of my first year. 



Consumer Behaviour


(100% Individual)


Grade A2


This piece is a 2500 word reflective report on four of the blog posts I produced. These blogs outlined what I had learnt and further questioned and analysed theory discussed in lectures and seminars.


This report also required me to reflect on comments I had left on others blogs and comments I had received, enabling me to understand the importance of feedback for personal development and also ways in which to give constructive feedback to others.


This assignment has awarded me the highest grade I have achieved so far, and was a very impressive grade to receive so early on in my degree. 


I enjoyed exploring theories and learning about consumers minds and how they work. I have since chosen to further explore this avenue in other units as it is clearly a strength for me.



This work was produced in the second semester of my first year.



Communication in Organisation (AE1)


(40% Group)


Group Grade B1 


This document shows the presentation slides and annotations of my contribution to our presentation for live client NATS. The slides show my ideas and mock-up designs for an app for NATS employees.


My focus for this assignment was on 'Personality and Role in Groups', hence why the second slide features a tab on personal development.


The third slide exhibits three prompt cards as part of an ice breaking exercise to encourage individuals to consider how the things they say and do may be interpreted by others.


The final slide is a team building task whereby the individuals are asked to produce a working model plane (in keeping with the client). The pieces of the plane are linked to group roles, and enables participants to find their role and further familiarise themselves with how each role can work together to create a group (or a working plane).


This unit required applying theory into practice and getting creative with ideas.



This work was completed in the second semester of my first year.




Communication in Organisation (AE2)


(60% Individual Contribution)


Grade A4


This portfolio shows my first attempt at a Chief Executive Statement. This assessment required sensitivity as some staff will receive a pay cut and some may loose their jobs. This required a great deal of thought going in to every sentence and considering every word.


I did enjoy this challenge and am very proud of my statement.


The following part of this assignment is an analysis of my statement that explored key themes addressed through the unit learning (conflict, motivation and empowerment, leadership and teamwork). I have always found analysing my work beneficial and helps strengthen my future working mindset.


I was very proud of this piece as I believe it shows my ability to fill a leadership role and be compassionate in times or crisis.


This work was produced in the second semester of my first year.



PR in the Community


(50% Individual Contribution)


Overall Grade B1


This piece is my individual contribution to our group project for the charity WAY Widowed and Young.


The portfolio contains a blog post, a press release, social media posts, a personalised Snapchat 'Geofilter' and a reflective log.


We were able to choose a charity we wanted to create a campaign for, and we chose WAY as it is a challenging topic and required us to be sensitive with the work we produced.


This assignment taught me the similarities between the communications of a not for profit charity and any other organisation. You are required to be just as thoughtful with all tactics you put out to your publics as all messages can be received wrong.



This work was produced in the second semester of my first year.




Corporate Communications


(60% Individual Contribution)


Grade A4


This is my contribution to a group portfolio to communicate with key stakeholder groups. My work is from the perspective of a Community Relations Manager.


This portfolio extract contains a news release, a CEO statement, Tweets and a blog post. These tactics are evidenced with a stakeholder map, a PESTLE and reasoning behind the tactics.


I decided to develop the CEO statement I had used in my first year, but this time it had a different purpose and was to suit a different audience.


Stakeholder analysis and targeting is challenging and requires constant thought and consideration. I enjoyed my role as a Community Relations Manager, and I can see why a large organisation like Tesco requires different departments for each stakeholder group.



This work was produced in the first semester of my second year.


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